Integrative Health & Wellness Coaching

My Approach

During our one-on-one sessions, I will provide a supportive, safe space for you to process emotions, release limiting beliefs, explore what is holding you back, and find ways to move through life’s transitions.

In our work together I will meet you where you are. I believe you know the path forward, even if you can’t see it yet.

I believe you know the path forward, even if you can’t see it yet.

Together, we will work to:

— Connect with your authentic self

— Navigate and flow with life’s transitions

— Lead a values-driven life, designed by you

— Build confidence and trust in yourself

— Identify your goals and unlock your motivation


  • Individual Coaching

    Via Zoom or in person in the Twin Cities area.

  • Coaching for young adults & parents of young adults

  • Circles

    See my Offerings page for information on my Parenting of Young Adults Circles

Get started with a FREE
30-Minute Intro call